Welcome to the chicken yard.

This is the back of the coop. I screwed the nesting box and the sheets of wood into the base and walls of the coop. The chicken wire above the nesting box is stapled from the inside. It took me a couple tries to build the nesting box. I forgot to leave one side of the box off so I could attach hinges to it, so I ended up having to saw into it and pry part of the top off. It all worked out!
Inside of the nesting box. No eggs yet, the chickens are a bit too young still. I think. Or they've been laying their eggs somewhere else. We'll see.
The front and inside of the coop before I attached the door. The whole thing is made of three pallets; one on the bottom and two stacked together as the walls. They all sleep on the top roosting pole together.
This is the sheet of wood I sawed down and put hinges on for the door. The opening is where they enter/exit their coop. When I need to clean out the old straw I can open the big door. If I need to keep them in their coop I can roll down a piece of chicken wire attached above their small doorway.

Omelet, Scramblez and Eleanor Roostevelt. Now I'm just hoping none are secret roosters.